Unleash Your Inner Healer Virtual Live Event

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IMAGE | Unleash Your Inner Healer Live Event Card

Unleash Your Inner Healer Virtual Live Event

Here's what you can expect when you attend:

 Discover how to transform fear and anger into deep connection and creativity
✔ Determine your Signature Meridian for quick and deep healing
✔ Use ancient tools to become a master decision maker so you can create your ideal life
✔ Identify and heal adverse experiences that have caused toxic emotions and behaviors
✔ Calm emotional turmoil to reduce inflammation and protect yourself from chronic disease
✔ Create abundant self-worth to energize and enhance your personal boundaries
✔ Design a personal Your Healthy Body Map to identify areas of congestion, pain, stress, and tension and begin to heal them
✔ Learn the essentials of CoreTalk™ Holistic Healing to get to core issues and heal them right in the event
✔ And much, much, more…


✔  A goodie bag with a beautiful pendulum for free!
 Pendulum Power Happy Hour ~ Start, improve or master your pendulum use and get our personal guidance. You won’t want to miss this valuable pendulum tune-up time.
✔ Evening in the Healing LoveSeat ~ Evening in the Healing LoveSeat Bonus~ All about healing in action, and having your own CoreTalk™ Holistic Healing Loveseat!

Total due $97

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